Example Internship Survey Questions
For each statement below, the intern will indicate:
- Strongly Disagree
- Disagree
- Neither agree or disagree
- Agree
- Strongly Agree
These questions are subject to change.
- The internship met the program description as provided in the VIRMP
- The time spent on emergency duty matched the program description
- I received an orientation to the work environment and job requirements at the start of the internship
- I was provided with supervision and opportunity to consult with other doctors at the institution/practice regarding patient care
- Rounds, journal clubs, or other educational opportunities were regularly available during the internship
- Adequate opportunity to study and prepare for clinical cases was provided
- I was satisfied with the clinical training opportunities provided during the internship
- The internship met my learning objectives
- I was treated in a professional manner by staff and other doctors
- I would recommend this internship program to a friend or colleague
- During the course of the internship, and through event(s) of adversity, I felt that the program provided support to me
The average number of hours I worked per week
- Less than 40 hours
- 40-49 hours
- 50-59 hours
- 60-69 hours
- 70-79 hours
- Greater than 80 hours